My Projects :

How well do you know me?

A CLI app built with NodeJS. You can send it to your friends and find out who really knows you.

My Country- India!

This CLI app built with NodeJS checks your GK that How much you know about your country.


A language translation application built with VanillaJS. You will love playing this one.


A Emoji to meaning translation application built with ReactJS on CodeSandBox. It will give you you exact monkey species and reactions. Try it out!

Cash Register!

A cash register application built with VanillaJS. It takes the bill amount and cash given as input and depending on the previous inputs it returns the number of notes for change to be given to the customer.

Is your Birthday Lucky?

This is a VanillaJS application to find out if your birthday is a lucky one. All you have to do is plugin date of birth, your lucky number and wait for the result. I personally believe we make our own luck, still it's a great fun application to play around.

Fun with Triangles!

This is a VanillJS application built for a you, specially if you love geometry.In this app you can check if angles form a triangle, play a quiz on triangles, calculate hypotenuse and area. Check it out, play around with triangles.

Yod Way

A language translation application built with VanillaJS. You will love playing this one.

Birthday Palindrome!

This is a VanillaJS application built to find out if a date, specially your birthday is a palindrome?. Also when is the next palindrome date and how many days are remaining to it. Check it out, play around with the calender.

food recommendation

A collection of multiple genre of food at same place.It is made using ReactJS

Stock Profit/Loss Calculator

This is a VanillaJS application built to find out profit or loss resulting from a stock purchase with respect to it's current price.. It also calculates the profit percentagr and loss percentage. Check it out, play around with the calculator.